Carbon Monoxide

Why measure it?

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic, odorless gas. If inhaled it will displace oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule in our blood and lead to severe disability or even death. It is one of the ‘criteria’ pollutants measured in ambient air.

Where does it come from?

Outdoor Sources

Carbon monoxide is found naturally at low concentrations in the atmosphere from volcanic activity and forest fires. CO is produced from the partial oxidation of carbon-containing compounds in situations where there is not enough oxygen present to produce carbon dioxide. The main source of outdoor CO is combustion processes from transportation and industrial activity.

Indoor Sources

Malfunctioning fuel burning appliances such as furnaces, cookers, water boilers and gas room heaters can all lead to carbon monoxide leaks in areas occupied by people.

Industrial Uses

Carbon monoxide is very important in industry since it is a precursor to a number of important organic chemicals. CO gas has various niche applications in the chemical, food, medical, and semiconductor industries.

How we measure it

In the portable monitor line we measure carbon monoxide using either a gas sensitive semiconductor (GSS) sensor or a gas sensitive electrochemical (GSE) sensor.

Like all sensors in the portable monitor line the sensor benefits from active fan sampling and comes factory calibrated.

More information on the Aeroqual Gas Detection Monitors can be found on Gas Sensings website, using the links below.

Series 200

Series 300

Series 500

Aeroqual Carbon Monoxide Sensors

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