Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)

Complete list of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Products we offer:

For questions on which kit might be right for you, Contact us today!


Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Information



What type of component are you looking for?

Dissolved Kits: 

All sensors require a yearly calibration to ensure your gas measurements are accurate and performing within manufacturer standards. This page is desiccated to the individual manufacturers we represent and their specific calibration procedures. 

**Calibration Service Request Form **

Calibration Costs:

Calibration costs do vary, see below to get an estimate: 

Calibration Fee: $150

Analyzer Calibration Fee: $300

PM Calibration Sensor Fee: $330

Genie Calibration Fee: $265

ATI Calibration Fee: $205

** note that prices are subject to change per labor and parts required.

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