A14/A11 - 10 Sensor

The Ten Modular Enclosure houses a sinlge receiver module for use in DC powered applications where the user supplies the DC power to the system. 

Lead time: 2–3 weeks. Pricing is currently under review; please call for the most accurate and up-to-date information.


Customizable Options:

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Description / A14/A11 - 10 Sensor

The GasSens A14/A11 Modular Gas Detector is a flexible component system providing a variety of options to meet individual gas detection and alarm requirements. From chemical and petrochemical plants to food processors, the GasSens system can be applied to the simplest or most complex gas detection application. Economical and low maintenance, this system is your best choice for reliable gas leak detection. GasSens gas detection systems consist of individual modules that can be located where required. Sensor/transmitters, located in the area where gas leakage or buildup might occur, provide the basic measurement for the system. Sensor transmitters are available in either NEMA 4X or explosion-proof versions and can be supplied with ATI’s exclusive Auto-Test automatic gas sensor testing system, greatly reducing operator testing requirements.

Receiver modules provide the electronic brains for the gas detection and alarm system. Each compact module includes a digital display of gas concentration, isolated analog output, and 4 relay outputs. Receivers may be located up to 1000 feet from sensor/transmitters for remote indication, or can provide local control functions such as valve shutoff while transmitting a 4-20 mA signal to remote displays or data loggers.

Standard unit operates on 12 VDC power only. Optional universal power supply modules provide DC power to receivers. The power supply is housed in a compact module similar to the receiver, and will accept inputs from 85 to 265 volts, AC or DC, without adjustment. The power supply also provides a power failure relay and charging for an optional battery back-up unit.

GasSens A14/A11 Options (how to order)

Note: The GasSens A14/A11 is highly customizable to fit your every need. Please review the options closely to ensure you choose the right configuration for your application. Please call if you have any questions or need help configuring the right sensor for your application.

Sensor Module:

Choose the gas detection required for your application. Range shown is standard range; each sensor can be calibrated for a custom range for an additional $50. See chart below to see minimum and maximum detection ranges for each sensor. Contact us for details on this and to verify we can calibrate for your specific range.

A14 Transmitter Options:

The A14 can be customized with the following add-on options:

     -Audible Alarm is a beeper style alarm that will be integrated into the A14 and set to alarm using the user settable relays

     -Strobe Light Red Strobe light will be mounted to the top of the A4 and integrated into the A14 and set to alarm using the user settable relays

     -Battery Backup will provide a reserve power source for your A14 in the event of a power outage

     -XP Rated Sensor Module is an enclosure for the remote sensor that is XP rated

     -Calibration Adapter will allow a flow cell style adapter to be fitted to the sensor so the A23-14 calibrator can be used to calibrate the A11 Sensor Modules

     -Sensor Flowcell will fit to the opening on the A11 Sensor and allow a gas flow to be used to measure gasses

Auto-Test Generator:

Gas generators permanently installed on the sensor verify sensor operation by providing a “bump test” of the sensor from daily to once a week. See what sensors can use the specific Auto-Test Generators from the chart at the bottom of the product page.

GasSens A14/A11 Features:

     -LED Display: Indicates gas concentration directly in PPM, PPB, or %. The display may be operated in high intensity (sunlight readable) mode for outdoor use or in normal mode for indoor applications.

     -Analog Output: An isolated 4-20 mA output is standard. The output will drive loads up to 1000 ohms for use in recording, data logging, or computer input

     -Two Alarm Set points: Alarm set points are factory adjusted to standard values but may be set to any value from 5% to 100% of range. Front panel LED’s marked “Warning” and “Alarm” indicates the status of each alarm set point. A standard alarm delay of 2 seconds or a longer delay of 10 seconds may be selected. In addition, alarms may be switch programmed to activate either above or below the set point

     -Three Alarm Relays: Output relays are SPDT with unpowered contacts for use in activating external signaling devices, control elements, or for input to telemetry or annunciator systems. Each relay may be assigned to either alarm set point for application flexibility. Relays are factory set to energize on alarm, but may be switch programmed for fail safe operation. Relays may also be set for either latching or non-latching operation.

     -Trouble Alarm & Relay: Should the sensor/transmitter input be lost, a trouble light (LED) on the front panel will flash and an associated relay will activate. For those systems equipped with the sensor Auto-Test feature, this alarm will also activate if the sensor does not respond to the automated gas test.

     -Front Panel Reset Switch: A single front panel switch marked A/R (Acknowledge/ Reset) serves a number of functions. When an alarm occurs, the switch will silence an audible horn wired to the module and will change the alarm lights from flash to steady on. After the alarm condition has cleared, the switch may be used to reset any latching alarms. The switch will also activate an electronic module test, inhibit alarm contacts, and activate the Auto-Test.

     -Remote Reset Input: Terminals are provided for connection of a remote reset switch so that alarms can be acknowledged from a remote location or through a telemetry system.

     -Pluggable Terminal Blocks: External electrical connections are made to plug-in terminal blocks. Should module service ever be needed, modules can be replaced in minutes.


A14 Receiver Module Specifications:


4 digit LED, sunlight readable


Digital signal, 2 wire connection to A11 remote sensor/transmitter


Isolated 4-20 mA DC, 1000 ohms maximum load


Two adjustable concentration alarms, set points adjustable from 5-100% of range

Alarm Indicators

High intensity LED bars for WARNING (low set point) and ALARM (high set point)

Indicator Functions

WARNING indicator non-latching, ALARM latching

Alarm Relays

Three assignable alarm relays, 10 A, 120 VAC (5 A, 250 VAC) resistive Alarm relays assignable to either alarm set point

Relay Function

Configurable for normal/fail-safe, latching/nonlatching, and fast/slow operation

Relay & Indicator Reset

Activated from front panel switch or through remote reset

Trouble Alarms

Front panel LED indicator and SPDT, 10 A, 120 VAC (5A, 250 VAC) resistive relay; Relay factory set to fail-safe operation

Trouble Functions

Indicates loss of sensor/transmitter input or failure of sensor Auto-Test (if in use)

Gas Indicator

LED bar on front panel with gas symbol overlay


Module mounts to 35 x 7.5 mm DIN rail

Electrical Connection

Quick disconnect plug-in terminal blocks

Module Enclosure



2.8"W x 3.6"L x 2.3"D (70 mm x 90 mm x 58 mm)

Operating Temperature

-40° to +55°C


0-99% non-condensing


9-15 VDC, 300 mA maximum


A11 Sensor/Transmitter Specifications:

Sensor Type

Electrochemical Cell


User adjustable within limits of selected sensor

Response Time

Sensor dependent


Generally ±5% of value, but limited by available calibration gas accuracy.

Zero Drift

Less than 2% full scale per month

Transmitter Type

Two wire system, current pulse position signal

Electrical Connection

Quick disconnect terminal blocks (two wires without polarity)

Connection Distance

Up to 1000 feet (300 m) to receiver

Operating Temperature

-25° to +55°C (-5° for oxygen)


0-95% non-condensing


Sensor Auto-Test (available for most gases)


NEMA 4X polystyrene

Size (Sensor Transmitter with Auto-Test)

3.7"L x 6.5"W x 2.2"D (94 mm x 163 mm x 57 mm)


12 VDC from receiver module


Your sensor should be replaced annually 


Module Enclosure Size:

Single Module Enclosure:

NEMA 4X polystyrene, 4.33"W x 7.09"H x 4.33"D (110 x 180 x 110 mm)

A11 Sensor/Transmitter:

GasSens gas detection systems employ electrochemical sensors developed and manufactured by ATI. Expertise in electrochemistry and sensor design provides the foundation for leak detection systems that perform continuously with minimal maintenance. Sensors are rated for ambient temperatures from -25° to +50°C, allowing both indoor and outdoor applications. Excellent zero stability and high sensitivity and selectivity combine to make ATI sensors the best available on the market today.

ATI A14/A11 Replacement Sensor


Gas sensors are closely coupled to a digital transmitter for excellent noise immunity and the ability to transmit long distances using unshielded cable. The transmitter is powered from the receiver module and uses a unique current pulse position technique to send information to the receiver over a two wire connection. The receiver connection is not polarity sensitive, virtually eliminating the possibility of incorrect transmitter wiring. Sensor/transmitters can be located up to 1000 feet from receiver modules.

Product Gas Price
A14-A11 Ammonia Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Ammonia Sensor and Transmitter
Ammonia (NH3)
A14-A11 Ammonia XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Ammonia XP Sensor and Transmitter
Ammonia (NH3)
A14-A11 Bromine Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Bromine Sensor and Transmitter
Bromine (Br2)
A14-A11 Bromine XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Bromine XP Sensor and Transmitter
Bromine (Br2)
A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide Sensor and Transmitter
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
A14-A11 Chlorine Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter 0-1/3 PPM
A14-A11 Chlorine Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter 0-1/3 PPM
Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)
A14-A11 Chlorine Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Chlorine Sensor and Transmitter
Chlorine (Cl2)
A14-A11 Chlorine XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Chlorine XP Sensor and Transmitter
Chlorine (Cl2)
A14-A11 HI Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 HI Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride XP Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide XP Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas Sensor and Transmitter
Acid Gases,Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas XP Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen (H2)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide XP Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
A14-A11 Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen (H2)
A14-A11 LO Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 LO Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
A14-A11 Low Range Ozone XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Low Range Ozone XP Sensor and Transmitter
Ozone (O3)
A14-A11 Nitric Oxide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Nitric Oxide Sensor and Transmitter
Nitric Oxide (NO)
A14-A11 Nitric Oxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Nitric Oxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
Nitric Oxide (NO)
A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
A14-A11 Oxygen Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Oxygen Sensor and Transmitter
Oxygen (O2)
A14-A11 Oxygen XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Oxygen XP Sensor and Transmitter
Oxygen (O2)
A14-A11 Phosgene Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Phosgene Sensor and Transmitter
Phosgene (COCl2)
A14-A11 Phosgene XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Phosgene XP Sensor and Transmitter
Phosgene (COCl2)
A14-A11 PPM Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 PPM Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter
Hydrogen (H2)
A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
A14-A11 Ammonia Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Ammonia Sensor and Transmitter



Ammonia (NH3)
View Details
A14-A11 Ammonia XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Ammonia XP Sensor and Transmitter



Ammonia (NH3)
View Details
A14-A11 Bromine Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Bromine Sensor and Transmitter



Bromine (Br2)
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A14-A11 Bromine XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Bromine XP Sensor and Transmitter



Bromine (Br2)
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A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide Sensor and Transmitter



Carbon Monoxide (CO)
View Details
A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Carbon Monoxide XP Sensor and Transmitter



Carbon Monoxide (CO)
View Details
A14-A11 Chlorine Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter 0-1/3 PPM

A14-A11 Chlorine Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter 0-1/3 PPM



Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)
View Details
A14-A11 Chlorine Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Chlorine Sensor and Transmitter



Chlorine (Cl2)
View Details
A14-A11 Chlorine XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Chlorine XP Sensor and Transmitter



Chlorine (Cl2)
View Details
A14-A11 HI Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 HI Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Chloride XP Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
View Details
A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Cyanide XP Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN)
View Details
A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas Sensor and Transmitter



Acid Gases,Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Fluoride/Acid Gas XP Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen (H2)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
View Details
A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen Sulfide XP Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
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A14-A11 Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen (H2)
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A14-A11 LO Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 LO Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2)
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A14-A11 Low Range Ozone XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Low Range Ozone XP Sensor and Transmitter



Ozone (O3)
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A14-A11 Nitric Oxide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Nitric Oxide Sensor and Transmitter



Nitric Oxide (NO)
View Details
A14-A11 Nitric Oxide XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Nitric Oxide XP Sensor and Transmitter



Nitric Oxide (NO)
View Details
A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter



Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
View Details
A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Nitrogen Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter



Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
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A14-A11 Oxygen Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Oxygen Sensor and Transmitter



Oxygen (O2)
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A14-A11 Oxygen XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Oxygen XP Sensor and Transmitter



Oxygen (O2)
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A14-A11 Phosgene Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Phosgene Sensor and Transmitter



Phosgene (COCl2)
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A14-A11 Phosgene XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Phosgene XP Sensor and Transmitter



Phosgene (COCl2)
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A14-A11 PPM Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 PPM Hydrogen XP Sensor and Transmitter



Hydrogen (H2)
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A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide Sensor and Transmitter



Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
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A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter

A14-A11 Sulfur Dioxide XP Sensor and Transmitter



Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
View Details

XP Rated Sensor/Transmitter:

Sensor/transmitters are housed in shielded NEMA 4X enclosures for use in almost any industrial environment and are designed to meet intrinsic safety standards. An explosion-proof version of the transmitter is also available for applications where this type of protection is preferred. Combustible gas transmitters are always explosion-proof.

XP rated sensor/tranmitter for A14/A11 gas sensor



Sensor Range Specifications:

Please with any questions on what sensor might be right for you, or if other sensors are available for your application.


Min Range

Max Range

Standard range

Acid Gasses

0-10 ppm


0-10 ppm


0-100 ppm

0-2000 ppm

0-1000 ppm


0-500 ppm

0-2000 ppm

0-500 ppm


0-50 ppm

0-500 ppm

0-100 ppm


0-1000 ppb


0-1000 ppb


0-1 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-2 ppm

Carbon Monoxide

0-50 ppm

0-500 ppm

0-100 ppm


0-1 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-10 ppm

Chlorine Dioxide

0-1 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-2 ppm

Combustible Gas

0-50% LEL

0-100% LEL

0-2 ppm


0-1000 ppb

0-10 ppm

0-1000 ppb

Ethylene Oxide

0-20 ppm

0-200 ppm

0-20 ppm


0-1 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-2 ppm


0-20 ppm

0-200 ppm

0-20 ppm


0-1000 ppb

0-10 ppm

0-1000 ppb


0-2000 ppm



Hydrogen Chloride

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-20 ppm

Hydrogen Cyanide

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-20 ppm

Hydrogen Flouride

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-20 ppm

Hydrogen Sulfide

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-50 ppm

Hydrogen Peroxide

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-10 ppm

Hydrogen Selenide

0-1000 ppb

0-10 ppm

0-1000 ppb


0-1 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-2 ppm

Nitric Oxide

0-20 ppm

0-250 ppm

0-100 ppm

Nitrogen Dioxide

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-100 ppm




0-25 %


0-1 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-2 ppm


0-2 ppm

0-100 ppm

0-1000 ppb


0-10 ppm

0-50 ppm

0-10 ppm


0-10 ppm

0-100 ppb

0-20 ppm

Sulfer Dioxide

0-10 ppm

0-100 ppb

0-20 ppm


Replacement Sensor:

Replacement Sensors for the A11 Sensor/Transmitter are available. Replacement sensors can be purchased online HERE

ATI A14/A11 Replacement Sensor



Auto-test Generator:

A major expense in gas detection systems is the cost of regular testing to ensure that sensors are responding. This requires a technician to inspect sensors weekly and apply a small amount of gas manually to check response. ATI has developed a unique system to reduce this maintenance requirement.

Available on most ATI digital sensor/transmitters is an option called “Auto-Test.” This option consists of an electrochemical gas generator closely coupled to the sensor. Every 24 hours, the receiver automatically activates the generator, producing a small amount of gas that diffuses into the sensor, just as it would if a gas leak occurred. The microcomputer in the receiver analyzes the output of the transmitter to determine that the sensor is responding normally. When proper sensor response is detected, the generator is turned off and the system goes back to normal operation. If no sensor response is detected, the TROUBLE light on the receiver will flash and the trouble relay will activate. During testing, alarm relays are inhibited so that external alarms are not activated.

The Auto-Test feature ensures that each sensor is regularly tested with gas. Premature sensor failure or blockage of the sensor membrane is quickly detected. In addition, self-testing will alert maintenance personnel when a sensor has reached the end of its useful life. Since sensors normally last anywhere from 12 months to over 3 years, this feature allows users to determine when sensor replacement is needed.

A14/A11 Gas sensor with auto-test generator


The Auto-test option requires a gas generator, which must be compatible with the installed sensor’s gas type, and full-scale range. Table below lists gas compatible generators and sensors.

Auto-test Generator

Generator Type

Compatible Sensors


Chlorine (Cl2)

Bromine (Br2)



Chlorine (Cl2)



Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2)



Flourine (F2)



Ozone (O3)



Hydrogen Flouride (HF)



Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)



Iodoine (I2)


Sulfer Dioxide

Sulfer Dioxide (SO2)



 Hydrogen Dioxide (H2O2)



Hygrogen Cyanide (HCN)


Ammonia (NH3)

Ammonia (NH3)


Hydrogen Sulfide

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)



Hydrogen Chloride (HCL)

More Information

Manufacturer ATI
4-20 mA Output No
Relays 3 Relays
Field Replaceable Sensor No
Auto Test Generator None
Min, Max, Avg No
Voltage Output None
Power Requirements 12 VDC power at 300 mA
Datalogging No
Rechargeable No
Field Replaceable Battery No
Warranty 1 Year
Audible Alarm Optional
Calibration 6 Months
Sensor Life 2 years
Range Gas Dependent - Can Detect Over 20 Gases
Unit Features

- Remote Mount Sensor

- Nema 4 Enclosure

- Multi-Sensor Capabilities

- XP Rated Sensor Optional

- Optional Auto-Test Generator

Sensor Range

Gas Dependent

- Can Detect Over 20 Gases

Resolution Gas Dependent - Can Detect Over 20 Gases
Integrated Relays Optional
Sensor Range

Gas Dependent

- Can Detect Over 20 Gases