Formaldehyde SafeAir Badge

SafeAir chemical detection badges are a visual indication badge that alerts you with a color changing exclamation mark when there is a specific chemical hazard.

Quantity = 50 badges  clips are NOT included

Note: we are not able to ship these badges outside of the US

Formaldehyde Information

M 382011-50

Description / Formaldehyde SafeAir Badge

Color change for Formaldehyde is from yellowish-brown to dark brown.

The SafeAir Formaldehyde badge may be used for personnel or area monitoring for exposure times ranging from 15 minute to 16 hours.



Formaldehyde is a colorless gas with a pungent, suffocating odor. It is a potent irritant to eyes, nose and throat. The most common effects of low level formaldehyde inhalation are eye, nose and upper respiratory irritation. Chronic symptoms of exposure are itching eyes, dry and sore throat, and possible difficulty in sleeping and unusual thirst after awakening. OSHA exposure limit for formaldehyde is 0.75 ppm (TWA). NIOSH exposure limit is 0.016 ppm (TWA). NIOSH also recommends that formaldehyde be handled as a potential occupational carcinogen in the workplace.

Formaldehyde workplace exposure occurs because of its extensive use as an industrial chemical in the manufacturing of resins for adhesives, plastics, coatings and fabrics. Additional exposure to formaldehyde emissions comes from its use as a fumigant and sterilant. The major source of atmospheric discharge of formaldehyde is from combustion processes, specifically from the photo-oxidation of hydrocarbons in auto emissions


Principle of Operation

The SafeAir formaldehyde badge is a monitoring system designed to indicate the presence of formaldehyde at concentrations below the permissible exposure limit. The SafeAir formaldehyde badge detects the presence of formaldehyde by forming a color change in the shape of an exclamation mark inside the triangle. This indication is produced by a color-forming reaction which occurs when formaldehyde reacts with a flat indicator layer.

 SafeAir chemical detection badges are a visual indication badge that alerts you with a color changing exclamation mark when there is a specific chemical hazard.


Operating Instructions

1. Remove the pouch from the refrigerator and allow it to warm to room temperature.

2. Remove the badge from its protective pouch.

3. Remove activation label before monitoring.

4. For personnel monitoring, attach the badge near the user’s breathing zone (i.e. the collar) with the front side exposed to the surrounding atmosphere.

5. For area monitoring, attach the badge to a stand and mount in a centralized area with the front side exposed to the surrounding atmosphere.

6. The exclamation mark appears within the triangle when formaldehyde is present. Please note that the exclamation mark will appear underneath the printed exposure dose (sensitivity).

7. To obtain the average concentration, divide the exposure dose (ppm∙hr) by the exposure time in hours (hr).



The ChromAir formaldehyde monitor should be refrigerated in its sealed bag at all times.


Sampling Parameters

Color Change

yellowish-brown to dark brown

Exposure level

0.4 ppm-hr

Minimum detectable limit (8 hours)

0.05 ppm

Maximum recommended sampling time

16 hours

Minimum recommended sampling time

15 minutes

Relative humidity range

20% - 80%

Face velocity range

10 - 150 cm/sec

Temperature range

59ºF - 95ºF

Light effect - UV (direct sunlight)

no effect

Light effect - visible

no effect

Color stability

18 hours

Refrigerated shelf life

1 year



382011 Manual

Formaldehyde Information

More Information

Manufacturer Morphix
Gas Formaldehyde (CH2O)
Operational Temperature Range 59°F - 95°F
Operational RH Range 20% - 80%
Maximum Exposure 0.4 ppm-hr
Audible Alarm No
Calibration N/A
Sensor Life 16 Hours
Range 0.05-0.4 ppm-hr
Unit Features

Formaldehyde Range: 0.05 - 0.04 ppm-hr

Sensor Range

0.05-0.04 ppm-hr

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