D10-17 Combustible Sensor

Combustible Sensor Assembly for the C12-17 & D12 (D10-17). (00-1198)

2-3 weeks
ATI 00-1198

Description / D10-17 Combustible Sensor

The Combutible Sensor Assembly (D10-17) for the C12-17.  This is a 3-wire sensor that is connected to the C12-17 Transmitter.

Combustible gas sensors are made up of two matched sensing elements, one active and one passive. Both are electrically heated and form two legs of a Wheatstone bridge circuit. When combustible gas contacts the sensor, the active element catalyzes the oxidation of gas heating the active element and changing it's resistance. The passive element remains unchanged, resulting in a change in the bridge circuit that is proportional to the gas concentration.

Sensing elements are specially designed for maximum poison resistance and long life in harsh industrial environments, with sensor life typically 2 years or more.

More Information

Manufacturer ATI
Sensor Type GSS (Gas Sensitive Semiconductor)
Accuracy .
Monitor sensor fits D16 / C16 / F12 / D12
Warranty 1 Year