Fluoride Information


Other Names

  Fluoride Ion

Chemical Formula


CAS Number

  16984 – 48 – 8

Industry Uses

  Dentistry; Production of aluminum, steel, enamel, cement, and uranium

Health Risks

  Skeletal Fluorosis; Bone DIsease

Fluoride MSDS

What is Fluoride:

Fluoride occurs naturally in most water supplies, and may be added to municipal water by injection of hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium silicofluoride, or sodium fluoride into the water. Fluoride is an additive to water to promote strong teeth and prevent cavities. Fluoride compounds are also involved in the production of aluminum, steel, uranium, cement, enamel, and plastics. Fluoride levels can source from erosion of natural deposits, fertilizer runoff, or from discharge from factories.

Fluoride Exposure and Health Risks:

Fluoride in small concentrations can be very beneficial to protect against tooth decay. It also stimulates bone formation. However, large concentrations of fluoride can cause skeletal fluorosis, bone disease characterized by tenderness and pain of bones, and mottled teeth. Elevated concentration of fluoride can also cause tooth discoloration. Fluoride can inhibit various enzyme systems and erythrocyte glycolysis, which causes anticoagulation. Higher doses of fluoride can irritate the stomach and cause ulcers.


The table below summarizes the most-recent standards.




4.0 mg/L

Primary Standards – Max Contaminant Level


2.0 mg/L

Secondary Standards - Max Contaminant Level


0.7 mg/L

Recommended Level in Drinking Water


Sources: EPA, EPA

Measuring Fluoride:

Dissolved fluoride concentration in water can be measured in units of parts per million (ppm). We carry kits from CHEMetrics that determine fluoride levels in water from 0-3.00 ppm and monitors from ATI that detect fluoride levels. The monitors have digital communication capabilities to ensure easy measuring and monitoring. All of our fluoride products can be viewed HERE.



All sensors require a yearly calibration to ensure your gas measurements are accurate and performing within manufacturer standards. This page is desiccated to the individual manufacturers we represent and their specific calibration procedures. 

**Calibration Service Request Form **

Calibration Costs:

Calibration costs do vary, see below to get an estimate: 

Calibration Fee: $150

Analyzer Calibration Fee: $300

PM Calibration Sensor Fee: $330

Genie Calibration Fee: $265

ATI Calibration Fee: $205

** note that prices are subject to change per labor and parts required.

Contact us for help choosing the right product for your application