R-8515 Phosphate

Measures levels from 0-120 ppm and 2-30 ppm.

*Use with the K-8515*

Phosphate Information

2-5 business days

Description / R-8515 Phosphate

The K-8515/K-8530 Phosphate Kits were designed to accurately measure the levels of Phosphate in water from 0-120 ppm and 2-30 ppm. K-8515/K-8530 use the Vanadomolybdophosphoric Acid Method. In test kits employing the vanadomolybdophosphoric acid method, phosphate reacts with ammonium molybdate under acid conditions and in the presence of vanadium to form a yellow-colored product. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) PO4.

Phosphorus occurs naturally in rock formations in the earth's crust, usually as phosphate. High phosphate concentrations in surface waters may indicate fertilizer runoff, domestic waste discharge, or the presence of industrial effluents or detergents. Although phosphates from these sources are usually poly-phosphates or organically bound, all will degrade to ortho or reactive phosphates with time. Phosphate measurement is used to control scale and corrosion inhibitor levels in boilers and cooling towers. Both methods described below measure reactive phosphate, which will give a positive reaction prior to hydrolysis, and is usually termed ortho-phosphate.

What's Included:

     -30 Ampoules

     -Instruction Manual




How to Use:

  1. Fill to the 25 mL mark in the sample cup with your water.Fill the sample cup to 25ml  

  2. Snap the end of the ampoule in the water on the bottom/side of the 25 mL sample cup.Snap the tip of the ampoule on the bottom and side of the sample cup
  3. Mix the contents of the ampoule by tipping back and forth a few times.Tip the vacu-vial back and forth to mix
  4. Dry the vacu-vial and wait 5 minutes for color development.Dry vacu-vial and then insert into the I-2019
  5. Place ampoule, flat end first, into the comparator. Hold comparator up to light source and determine best color match. 


K-8515/K-8530 Instructions

Safety Data Sheet

Phosphate Tech Sheet

Phosphate Information

More Information

Manufacturer CHEMetrics
Gas Phosphate
4-20 mA Output No
Voltage Output None
Power Requirements 4 AAA Batteries
Datalogging No
Warranty 1 Year
Range 0-120 ppm and 2-30 ppm

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